Submitted News
No, you are not being asked to take in a slithery new pet, but where do unwanted exotic pets go when they need a new home? The word is getting out about a local organization located in Adams County, that regularly takes in neglected, abused, and unwanted snakes, tarantulas, lizards, small pets, farm animals, and other unwanted species.
Dogs are often helped by the county-funded Adams County Dog and Kennel Department. The non-profit Humane Society of Adams County regularly takes in both dogs and cats, as well as the occasional small pet. Unfortunately, many animals that fail to fall into the dog and cat categories are left without a place to go. Ryen Shiveley of Family Traditions Animal Adventure (FTAA), often accepts, rehabilitates and cares for these creatures in our community. Sometimes, the animals Shiveley takes in are provided rehabilitative care and passed along to a new knowledgeable owner who is familiar with the species. Often, Shiveley commits to caring for the animals for the rest of their lives, donating hours of time and personal funds to their care alongside his regular menagerie of amazing creatures.
“Kaa” is a Burmese Python snake accepted by Shiveley that was underweight, full of internal and external parasites, and suffered from terribly insufficient housing. After multiple vet visits and countless medical treatments, Kaa is on the road to recovery and will live out her days basking in the warm, spacious enclosure provided for her by FTAA.
Stewy is a male Guinea Pig brought to Shiveley by a concerned individual. The animal was being housed in a very small enclosure with unsanitary bedding and limited ability to exercise. Shiveley praised the family that surrendered Stewy because they recognized that the care for their pet was inadequate and they chose to give the animal up for a chance at a better life.
Anyone may visit Kaa and Stewy at Shiveley’s FTAA facility on Wheat Ridge Road. While admission fees help cover part of the cost of care for the animals and staff salaries, the facility depends on community support to care for the surrendered exotic pets Shiveley has rescued, like Kaa and Stewy. Donations are always welcome and may even be made in honor or memory of an animal or animal-lover in your family.
Donations toward the care of local unwanted exotic pets may be made to “FTAA” and mailed to 240 Poole Road, West Union, OH 45693. For more information, or to join the FTAA email list for updates and opportunities, please visit