I heard myself telling my husband the other day that I really want a treadmill. I love to hike, so I get antsy when the weather is bad and prevents me from getting out in the woods. A treadmill made sense. Then I remembered that I’ve already done that. I bought a treadmill about 15 years ago and ended up giving it away free to anyone who would come and move it. As I watched them load it into their truck, I had instant regret. The guy picking it up must have noticed, because he asked if I was sure. I heard myself say yes, but the truth was that I did regret it. But not because I was losing my source of health and fitness. I just gave away my favorite spot to hang my wet towels!
Knowing my past habits, I heard myself spouting out excuses for not using it before and justifying them to my husband with all the reasons it will be different now. But as the words were coming out of my mouth, my inner voice was chiding me. Girl, what are you thinking? Be for real.
If I’m being honest, I have no idea how that story will turn out, but that inner voice does carry a lot of wisdom. Be for real. The thought of walking on a treadmill made me think about the other ways I walk through life. Am I doing it well? Lord knows I try, but it’s a full-time job keeping it all in check.
I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to just talk the talk. I want to walk the walk physically and otherwise. So, as I walked up and down my road listening to praise music, I made a mental list of ways I can be for real this year. Maybe it will help you, too.
Be real with yourself.
What are the weak spots in my attitude that need improvement? Do I live a life of integrity, that I can be proud of? How can I make a real difference in this world?
Be real with your expectations.
Have I set realistic expectations for myself and others? Do I expect too much? Too little?
Be real with your relationships.
Are there places where I can extend some grace and forgiveness? Are there apologies that need to be made? Am I showing up for the ones I care about? Am I still loving the ones who are hard to love? Am I that hard-to-love person for anyone else?
Be real with your work.
Do I give my work my best effort? Are there places where I can give more attention? Is there anywhere that I am over-extended and need to take a step back for my own mental health?
Be real with your health.
Are there any appointments that I’ve been putting off that I need to make? Have I been responsible with diet and exercise?
Be real with your finances.
Do I need to adjust my financial plan? Have I been greedy with my giving? Where can I make improvements?
Be real with your goals.
Are my goals realistic? Is there anything I feel called to do, but haven’t done for fear of failure? What steps can I take to reach my goals? How can I help others reach theirs?
Be real with your faith.
What am I doing on a daily basis to grow closer to God? How am I helping others do the same? Am I living in a way that allows others to see God through me? Have I repented in a real way and then changed that behavior or way of thinking so it doesn’t happen again? Have I devoted time for real prayer and not just the fluffy stuff?
As I weighed the honest answers to these questions in my mind, I realized that my for real answers gave me some much-needed
conviction. I’ve gotten a little lazy in the self-discipline department. I’m not one for making any big resolutions for the new year, but there is always room for improvement if we just take it one step at a time.
Speaking of steps, I know that I for real will never use a treadmill every day. I just won’t. There is no point in trying to justify buying it on the anticipation that it will get used all the time. I know me and I know that I prefer walks in the fresh air and sunshine over exercise equipment. So let’s be realistic. If my financial and health goals align and I adjust my expectations for myself, I guess I would use it on bad weather days when my sense of adventure is squashed by wind and rain. I mean, I try to walk a little every day for my cardio health anyway.
Well, that’s not completely true. I usually walk about 4 times a week to blow off steam. It helps clear my head space and improve my attitude.
Okay, that’s not completely true either. I mostly just walk a couple times a week and that’s only so I can keep eating my Snickers Blizzards and nachos. Totally worth it. For real.
Have a blessed week, friends!