Sherry Larson with a great group of homeschoolers and teacher Stephanie Seaman at Church 180. (Photo provided)
A home-school interview with Sherry Larson
Adams County Homeschool Group Spring Semester Current Events Class
People’s Defender
(On May 2n, People’s Defender reporter Sherry Larson spent a delightful morning answering questions from the Adams County Homeschool Group grades 6 through 12 at Church 180. Their teacher Stephanie Seaman worked with The Defender and had the students write an article on what they learned. Kudos on a job well done!)
Building community connections, traveling, balancing time, forming friendships, sharing her faith and writing are just a few aspects of being a small-town reporter, according to Sherry Larson. Recently, the Adams County Homeschool Group Current Events class had the privilege of interviewing Mrs/ Larson.
Sherry is currently a reporter for The People’s Defender. As a young girl, she was inspired by her mother to pursue her passion for writing, and poetry became one of her favorite genres. Sherry’s favorite topic to write about is her faith, and she tries to focus on writing about positive, encouraging things. If she does write about something negative, she makes sure there is a good purpose behind it.
One of her favorite things about being a reporter is building relationships with people in the community around her. Sherry travels all over the county, reporting on local community events and happenings. While doing this, she has the opportunity to meet and interview a lot of interesting people. One of the most rewarding parts of being a reporter is interviewing someone with an opinion or point of view that differs greatly from your own. Sherry said this helps deepen your understanding of topics and helps you grow as a person. A friendship may even form as a result.
The life of a small-town reporter is busy but very satisfying. Sherry’s job as a reporter gives her a chance to have a voice and make a difference in her community. For those who may desire to pursue a career in journalism, Sherry’s advice is to “Write! Write about things you want to remember, journal daily, and never quit writing”!