December 2024
Subway Seaman, LLC, Seaman, Ohio, 12/27/24: Observed no vomit/diarrhea clean-up kit. Operator shall replace kit today for facility sanitation. Observed fresh produce not washed prior to cutting. Produce shall be rinsed in water or fruit wash prior to cutting. Correct practices today for food safety. Observed seals on sinks missing or in disrepair. Correct today by resealing sinks to wall for sanitation. Observed drive-thru pop machine with slime built up. Machine shall be cleaned today and maintained. Machine is not presently used, however equipment shall be maintained, clean. Observed front hand sink and back prep sink faucets leaking. The faucets shall be repaired or replaced today for safety and sanitation. Observed walk-in cooler leaking at condenser and walk-in freezer with ice built up at condenser. Units shall be repaired as soon as possible for food safety. Food shall not be stored under leaking condensers for food safety. Observed light fixture in walk-in cooler working intermittently. Fixture shall be repaired or replaced today for sanitation of unit.
1st Stop Winchester, Winchester, Ohio, 12/27/24: Violations corrected.
1st Stop Winchester, Winchester, Ohio, 12/17/24: Observed cappuccino machine cups dirty. Machine shall be cleaned immediately and maintained for food safety. Observed cutting board on prep table damaged/stained. The cutting board shall be resurfaced/replaced. Correct today for food safety. Observed no backflow on faucet at prep sink. Staff shall install backflow or remove hose. Correct today for safety. Observed women’s trash can in restroom without lid. The trash can shall have a lid. Correct today for sanitation. Observed pink slime built up in front of pop machine on tray. Unit shall be cleaned today for food safety.
Mexico En Tu Casa, Seaman, Ohio, 12/19/24: Observed no vomit/diarrhea clean-up kit. Owner shall acquire kit by next inspection. Correct for sanitation. Observed food in front cooler not covered. Food shall be covered with lid or plastic wrap or foil. Correct today for food safety. Observed hot food at 102-106 degrees Fahrenheit. Hot foods shall be kept at 135 degrees Fahrenheit higher. Owner adjusted temperature on warmer. Maintain for food safety. Observed chemical bottles not labeled. Bottles were labeled during inspection. Maintain for food safety. Dumpster company has been contacted. Dumpster will be on site by end of January.
Bigg’s Pizza, Seaman, Ohio, 12/17/24: Observed crust and food built up on pizza oven. Prior to opening, owner shall have oven cleaned for safety. Observed board in front of pizza oven not sealed. The board shall be sealed prior to opening. Correct for sanitation. Observed floor in back kitchen peeling. The floor shall be repaired today for sanitation. Observed walk by prep table with staining. The walk shall be cleaned prior to opening. Correct for sanitation.
Ohio Valley Vocational School, West Union, Ohio, 12/17/24: Observed staff not rinsing dishes after washing. Dishes shall be washed, rinsed, then sanitized. Correct procedures today for food safety. Observed black built up on floor and wall of walk-in cooler. Cooler shall be cleaned today and maintained for sanitation. If mold is occurring staff may need to have unit served. Observed walk-in cooler and freezer with limited lighting. At back of unit there is zero footcandles. The minimum is 10 footcandles. Correct today for safety and sanitation.
Miller’s Bakery and Gifts, West Union, Ohio, 12/13/24: Observed no vomit/diarrhea clean-up kit. Operator shall acquire kit today for facility sanitation. Observed food labels not complete/correct. Food labels shall indicate ingredients and subingredients. Operator shall also include all allergens. Correct today for food safety. Observed cooler door seals damaged. The seal shall be repaired as soon as possible for food safety.
Peebles Elementary School, Peebles, Ohio, 12/12/24: Observed cooling done in walk-in cooler. Cooling shall be done with ice bath, ice wand or shallow pans. Correct today for food safety. Observed latex gloves being used. Operator shall use vinyl or nitrile gloves. Correct today for food safety. Observed mechanical dishwasher wash thermostat not reading temp. Thermostat shall be calibrated or replaced today to ensure unit is working correctly.
North Adams High School, Seaman, Ohio, 12/10/24: Observed mechanical dishwasher sanitizer thermostat reading at 180 degrees Fahrenheit. However, thermostat ran through dishwasher said max temp 140 degrees Fahrenheit. Dishwasher sanitizer water shall be 180 degrees Fahrenheit minimum. Correct today for sanitation. Observed chemicals stored above food in dry stock room. Chemicals shall be stored below food. Correct today and maintain for food safety. Observed black microwave handle broken/coming off. Microwave shall be repaired or replaced today for food safety and sanitation. Observed dishwasher wash thermostat reading 115 degrees Fahrenheit. The wash temp shall be 160 degrees Fahrenheit. Correct today for sanitation. Until dishwasher is repaired, equipment shall be cleaned in 3-bay sink.
1st Stop West Union #69, West Union, Ohio, 12/10/24:Observed food in cooler and freezer not covered. Food shall be covered today and maintained for food safety. Observed 3-bay sink and men’s restroom hand sink not sealed. Sinks shall be sealed today for sanitation. Observed white upright freezer and pop cooler seals damaged. The seals shall be resealed for today for food safety. Observed women’s restroom trash can without lid. The trash can shall have a lid. Correct today for sanitation. Observed light fixture in walk-in cooler not working. The light shall be replaced/repaired today for facility safety and sanitation.
West Union High School, West Union, Ohio, 12/9/24:Observed white/clear cart cover damaged. The cart cover shall be replaced today for protection of food.
Sunset Bowl, West Union, Ohio, 12/5/24: Observed bait and snap trap used in facility. Operator shall use tamper resistant or self-enclosed traps. Operator shall correct today for sanitation. Observed limited lighting in dry stock and walk-in freezer. Operator shall increase lighting intensity in dry stock and freezer. Correct for safety.
West Union Elementary School, West Union, Ohio, 12/5/24: Obsserved staff set food on counter to cool. Staff shall use ice bath, ice wands, or shallow pans to cool food. Correct procedure today for food safety. Observed utensils in storage drawers facing various ways. Utensils shall be stored in a way that staff grab handle, not food contact surfaces. Correct today for food safety. Observed no hot water sanitizer test strips. Staff shall acquire test strips or thermometer today to ensure dishwater reaches temp correct for sanitation.
North Adams Elementary, Seaman, Ohio, 12/6/24: Observed pink build up on ice machine shoot. The ice machine shall be cleaned today and maintained for food safety.
Miller’s Bulk Foods, West Union, Ohio, 12/6/24:Observed slicer not broken down every four hours. Staff shall completely break down slicer every four hours or as needed. Correct today for food safety. Observed unlabeled bottles on shelves. Operator shall not seal bottles without labels. Correct today by removing products. Observed no sanitizer test strips. Operator shall acquire test strips today to ensure proper sanitizer concentration. Observed slimy black boards under baking water line. After line is repaired, boards shall be replaced for sanitation.
Frisch’s, West Union, Ohio, 12/4/24:Observed food uncovered in coolers and freezers. Food shall be covered. Correct today and maintained for food safety. Observed in use utensils not washed at correct intervals. In=use utensils shall be washed every four hours or as needed. Correct and maintain for food safety. Observed unlabeled chemical bottles. Chemical bottles shall be marked with common name. Correct today for sanitation and safety. Observed equipment sticky and grease built up under flat tops. Areas shall be cleaned today and maintained for safety. Observed several areas throughout facility with floor grout missing. Grout shall be refinished as soon as possible for sanitation.Observed walls dirty and floor behind equipment dirty. Areas shall be cleaned today and maintained for sanitation.
Peebles High School, Peebles, Ohio, 12/4/24: Observed dishwasher leaking and faucet at prep sink leaking. Maintenance has been contacted for dishwasher. Dishwasher and faucet shall be repaired as soon as possible for sanitation.
Thompson Eat & Treat, Manchester, Ohio, 12/2/24: Observed no vomit/diarrhea clean-up kit. Operator shall acquire kit today for sanitation. Observed back door with gap. Manager stated door swap has been ordered. Replace as soon as possible for pest control.Observed dishes/equipment not rinsed. Dishes shall be washed in soapy water then rinsed then sanitized. After that, they will be air dried. Correct procedures today for safety and sanitation. Observed large freezer lid inside top missing and handles and seals missing/damaged. Equipment shall be in good working order. Correct by next inspection. Observed restroom door not self-closing. Door shall be made to be self-closing. Correct today for sanitation.Observed dumpster enclosure dirty. Area shall be cleaned today.
Alpine Assisted Living, West Union, Ohio, 12/2/24: Observed personal drinks on prep cooler counter. Drinks shall be stored away from food. Correct today and maintain for food safety. Observed pasteurized eggs not served in facility. Operator shall use pasteurized eggs. Correct today for food safety. Observed unlabeled chemical bottles. Operator shall label all chemical bottles with common name. Correct today for safety and sanitation. Observed clean utensils stored in various ways. The clean utensils shall be stored facing with handles only accessible. Correct today and maintain for safety. Observed top inside microwave with buildup. The top shall be cleaned today for safety.