Santa and Mrs. Claus with Ford Humphrey. Ford is a member of the Sons of the American Legion at Post 633. (Photo provided)

Santa and Mrs. Claus with Ford Humphrey. Ford is a member of the Sons of the American Legion at Post 633. (Photo provided)

<p>Dollie Willis, with Boy Scout Troop 290 and Cub Scout Pack 290, helping kids with craft projects and games. (Photo provided)</p>

Dollie Willis, with Boy Scout Troop 290 and Cub Scout Pack 290, helping kids with craft projects and games. (Photo provided)

Submitted News

Santa and Mrs. Claus paid a visit to the Charles H. Eyre American Legion Post 633 in Seaman on Saturday, December 14.

The event, organized by the American Legion Post 633 Junior Auxiliary, was a great success with many families and children in attendance. This event is totally child-focused and it is enormous fun for all involved- families, kids, Junior Auxiliary members and all the volunteers from the Legion Post, Legion Auxiliary and the Seaman community.

A special thanks to Seaman Snappy Tomato Pizza, Pop’s Pizza and West Union Giovanni’s for all the pizza that was served, it all disappeared quickly! And thanks to John Wood Insurance for their donation to purchase drinks and two of the new bicycles given away. The Junior Auxiliary donated two more new bicycles for the giveaway as well.

Thank you also to Jessica’s Photo Treasures for taking photos of the kids with Santa and Mrs. Claus.