Submiited by Hannah Hauke

Ohio Valley CTC FFA Reporter

The Ohio Valley FFA’s livestock judging team has been very busy the last couple of weeks preparing for the Prof Livdall national contest in Cookeville, Tennessee.

The four-person team consisted of David Raines, Grant McClanahan, MaRhea Unger and Isabella Crum, while Beau Hesler and Hannah Hauke judged as individuals. The team placed fourth overall in the 4-H/FFA division with David Raines placing first overall in beef.

Beau Hesler also placed second overall in the sheep and goats. Beau and David were sixth and tenth high individuals overall respectively in the contest. Hannah Hauke had her first performance at a national level competition and scored an 803.

Students also toured the Country Music Hall of Fame and Museum and explored the famous restaurants and other buildings around Nashville. Another stop the team made was to the Gaylord Opryland Resort and Convention Center to view the beautiful scenery and eat dinner. Overall, the Ohio Valley’s judging team was very successful in their weekend competition.