At last week’s Senior Day, Lucille Grooms was awarded the Wisest Lady. (Photo provided)

At last week’s Senior Day, Lucille Grooms was awarded the Wisest Lady. (Photo provided)

<p>Ray Mata was chosen Wisest Gentleman at last week’s Senior Day at the Fair. (Photo provided)</p>

Ray Mata was chosen Wisest Gentleman at last week’s Senior Day at the Fair. (Photo provided)

By Teresa Carr

Adams County Senior Council

Administrative Assistant

What a good time we had at the Fair last week! The Senior Citizens/Health & Wellness Day went really well with the musical talents of Maria Sexton and many laughs were had with Ray-Ray, The Dancing Machine and Jeannie The Dancing Queen. If you couldn’t attend, please go to our Facebook page: and check out the pictures and video there. Thank you Maria, Ray and Jeannie for being there with us.

On Wednesday, July 31, 2024 Legal Aid will have a Free Adams County Wills Clinic for adults ages 60 years and up here at the Senior Citizens office from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. You may meet with an attorney to get help preparing Simple Wills, Durable Powers of Attorney, Health Care Directives and Transfer on Death Affidavits for Real Estate. To Pre-Register, please call 1-614-737-0121 – pre-registration is required for this assistance.

Safety Tips – Cool Your House:

· Swap Out Your Lights – Incandescent lights are hotter; swap them for energy-efficient LED ones. Keep the lights off to fight heat.

· Cool the Room with Ice – Put a frozen gallon jug of water on a dish to catch drips behind a box fan and position it to blow toward you.

· Keep the Heat Out– Use thick curtains with a white reflective backing for keeping a sun-facing room cool.

· Limit Your Use of Appliances – Running the dryer, dishwasher, and oven can produce a lot of heat in the home. Use appliances at night. Dry clothes on a rack.

· Use a Cooling Necktie – Gel-filled Kool Ties can make a difference in how comfortable you feel on a blazing-hot day.

Source: 7 Genius Tricks for Staying Cool Without Air Conditioning This Summer (

Change Negative Self-Talk – We all have “tapes” that play in our head, whether we’re aware of them or not. They are the things we tell ourselves out of habit, sometimes habits formed in childhood. For a couple days, write down the thoughts that you catch flowing into your head. See how many of them are positive, and how many are negative. Then, consciously try replacing any negative thoughts with positive, encouraging ones. You’ll feel better almost instantly.

Get That Needed Sleep: You can easily become exhausted and depressed if you don’t get enough sleep. Not only will you feel overwhelmed, but many physical illnesses have been linked to sleep deprivation. These include a reduction in natural immunity to infections and diseases, an increased sensitivity to pain, appetite changes and weight gain, and an increased risk of diabetes.

Caregiving demands can easily extend to 24 hours a day in many cases. Plan ahead so that you don’t become sleep deprived, because when it occurs, judgment and mood changes can impair your problem-solving abilities. Some things you should do to assure proper rest and down time:

• Plan ahead for adequate relief and support—no one can be a caregiver 24 hours a day.

• Learn to listen to your body; recognize fatigue early and plan to rest. Take breaks as needed.

• Openly express how you are feeling to those who support you.

· Remember that alcohol, excessive caffeine, lack of exercise, and a lack of routine make exhaustion worse.

Just A Thought: “I love places that make you realize how tiny you and your problems are. ~Unknown