On Saturday afternoon after the grand parade, the Junior Fair Royalty for the 2024 Adams County Fair was selected. From left, 2024 Junior Fair King Mitchell Ohnewehr, 2024 Junior Fair Queen Annymae Cluxton, First Runner-Up Antoinette Grimes, Second Runner-Up Hailey Brannock and Third Runner-Up Luvinnia Rhoads. (Photo by Mark Carpenter)

On Saturday afternoon after the grand parade, the Junior Fair Royalty for the 2024 Adams County Fair was selected. From left, 2024 Junior Fair King Mitchell Ohnewehr, 2024 Junior Fair Queen Annymae Cluxton, First Runner-Up Antoinette Grimes, Second Runner-Up Hailey Brannock and Third Runner-Up Luvinnia Rhoads. (Photo by Mark Carpenter)

<p>Also honored on Saturday afternoon were the 2024 4-H Award winners. From left, Brian Kitchen (4-H VIP), Linda (and the late Randy) Louiso (4-H Alumni Award), David Baker (Friend of 4-H), presenter Kristy Watters from the OSU Extension Office. (Photo by Mark Carpenter)</p>

Also honored on Saturday afternoon were the 2024 4-H Award winners. From left, Brian Kitchen (4-H VIP), Linda (and the late Randy) Louiso (4-H Alumni Award), David Baker (Friend of 4-H), presenter Kristy Watters from the OSU Extension Office. (Photo by Mark Carpenter)

<p>Teresa Lewis, right, from the office of Congressman Brad Wenstrup, presents a $300 donation check from the Congressman to Casen White from the Junior Fair Board. (Photo by Mark Carpenter)</p>

Teresa Lewis, right, from the office of Congressman Brad Wenstrup, presents a $300 donation check from the Congressman to Casen White from the Junior Fair Board. (Photo by Mark Carpenter)

By Sherry Larson

People’s Defender

The 133rd Adams County Fair started with an over hour-long parade and a smaller than usual crowd at the Opening Ceremony. The quieter atmosphere was a testament to the day change and the fairgoers’ need to adapt to the new schedule. The following day, Leanne Liston, Treasurer of the Senior Fair Board, said, “I think we’ll have to tweak it some – live and learn.” She continued, “I think the benefit comes today,” speaking about the large amount of traffic they usually experience on a Sunday opening afternoon. The first action in the show arena and the first night of the demolition derby brought many more folks to the fairgrounds on Sunday evening, as did the cheerleading competition on Monday evening.

Don Bowles of C103 Radio emceed the Opening Ceremony festivities. J.R. Liston sang the National Anthem, followed by a welcome statement from Fair Board President Chris Moore. Ohio Director of Agriculture Brian Baldridge, assisted by his granddaughter, performed the ribbon-cutting ceremony. Baldridge and Representative Justin Pizzulli gave opening remarks.

Long-time fairground mower Ike Miley received the honor of Outstanding Fair Supporter. Kelly Johnson read a proclamation from Senator J.D. Vance, and Teresa Lewis presented a check for $300 to the Junior Fair Board from Representative Brad Wenstrup’s office.

Earlier in the afternoon, Bowles conducted candidate interviews for Junior Fair Queen and King with additional questions provided by 2023 Queen Allie McCarty. Annymae Cluxton was crowned as the 2024 Junior Fair Queen with court members Antoinette Grimes, First Runner-Up; Hailey Brannock, Second Runner-Up; and Luvinnia Rhoads, Third Runner-Up. Mitchell Ohnewehr competed unopposed and gained the 2024 Junior Fair King title.

Sunny skies and warm temperatures are predicted for most of the fair week, though the forecasted remnants of Hurricane Beryl could impact Wednesday activities. Keep hydrated and enjoy the many shows, activities, food, and rides at the Adams County Fair!