Candidates share encouraging messages
By Sherry Larson
People’s Defender
“I have the greatest job in the world,” said the Honorable Judge Roy Gabbert, officially announcing his re-election candidacy for Adams County Court at the Democrat Dinner on May 3.
Six years ago, Judge Gabbert was elected to the Adams County Court. He said he felt qualified because he lives about two blocks from the sheriff’s office and courthouse, which makes it convenient if someone needs a search warrant. The audience gave way to laughter as they did many times during his light-hearted speech.
Gabbert said, “I promised when I ran six years ago that I would work hard and that you would never hear the word corruption about the Adams County Court.” He continued that he is not involved in any scandals and does not allow politics in the courtroom. He said, “I always want everyone to feel proud of their County Court Judge.”
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