“The only thing you sometimes have control over is perspective. You don’t have control over your situation. But you have a choice about how you view it.” – Chris Prine

Life is all about perspective; our point of view can make a major difference. From a certain perspective, we could see the situation we are in as an obstacle or a tribulation. Alternatively, we could view it as an opportunity to learn in greater depth, depending on what we allow ourselves to see.

At times, it’s easier to focus on all the bad in the situation. Finding the good in everything isn’t as easy and challenges us to seek better for ourselves. Personally, I typically look for the negative aspects of things to prepare myself for the worst. However, I have learned that all that does is take away happiness and joy from all the good things going on around us.

Instead of carrying all the burdens around and looking for problems, seeking reasons to be happy brings much more satisfaction. As author Roy T. Bennett once said, ‘Attitude is a choice. Happiness is a choice. Optimism is a choice. Kindness is a choice. Giving is a choice. Respect is a choice. Whatever choice you make makes you. Choose wisely.’

Allowing ourselves to see the good in our situations brings much more peace than constantly searching for the bad. It’s a sense of freedom that you can’t get by being consumed in negativity. A freedom that everyone deserves to know and feel. So let’s shift our focus from what’s wrong to right, from what’s missing to what’s present, and from what’s negative to what’s positive.