Submitted News
The Liberty Farmers 4-H Club held their organizational meeting on January 24 at the Liberty Township Community Center in Panhandle, Ohio.
Members present were Destiny Grooms, Louella Fletcher, Gabriella Yates, Paul Yates, Sierra Centers, Zoie Centers, Samara Nechting, Yazael Nechting, and Louella Fletcher. Cloverbuds present were Briazia Nechting, Brenna Lyons-Fletcher, and Mnenetha Hoop. Advisors present were Linda Kimmerly, Samuel Kimmerly, Jr. and Sherri Centers. Excused members were Abby Pollit Jaxson Young and Parker Young. Parents/visitors present were Angie Nechting, Shelby Fletcher, Brenda Fletcher, Scott and Karent Grooms and Jeremy and Lisa Hoop.
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Yazael Nechting and 4-H Pledge was led by Briazia Nechting. Roll call ice breaker was to answer with your favorite food.
Officer elections were held the results are as follows: President: Gabriella Yates, Vice President: Louella Fletcher, Secretary: Sierra Centers, Treasurer: Zoie Centers, News Reporter Destiny Grooms/Advisor Linda Kimmerly, Health Officer: Yazael Nechting, Safety Officer: Paul Yates andRecreation Leader: Samara Nechting.
Members discussed changes to the fair, projects, the February 15 online enrollment deadline. and important dates to remember. Members signed the Club Constitution and by-laws, candy bar contracts and Livestock Agreement forms. Members voted to add Sherri Centers to the club checking account.
Members, parents and Cloverbuds enjoyed covered dishes and snacks while making bead necklaces, bracelets and/or earrings
The next meeting is scheduled for Feb 7 at 5:30 p.m. at the Liberty Township building in Panhandle. Open enrollment runs until February 15.
For more information contact Head Advisor Linda Kimmerly at (937) 217-4744.