By Joyce Porter and Patsy Roberts

What a crazy week weatherwise! The snow and freezing temperatures have been a bit of a challenge, especially to those of us getting older. I did enjoy the Defender’s posting of people out enjoying the snow by sledding, my crazy neighbor Becky making snow angels, and all the little kids seeing snow for the first time. Continue to stay warm and watch out for each other.

We appreciate Mike Swackhammer and assistants for cleaning the streets of snow to keep us all safe.

We still have several adult and children’s coats available to anyone in need. W3CU food and clothing pantry hours are 4:30 pm – 6:30 p.m. on the third Thursday each month. The next date is February 15. If you are unable to come on Thursday, please call the church at (937) 695-0025 to schedule an appointment. If you can donate your time, stop by around 3:30 p.m. on Thursday to assist the food pantry in preparations. We truly appreciate the many volunteers and donors who make this pantry possible.

The next Winchester Village Council meeting is Tuesday, February 13 at 7 p.m. in the Town Hall. Everyone is welcome to attend. If you have an agenda item, you must call Ashley in the Town Hall (937-695-0880) before 3 p.m. the preceding Friday. The monthly work session occurs on the fourth Tuesday of the month, 6 – 7 p.m. All council meetings are public and held in the Town Hall.

Winchester’s Past (Patsy Roberts): Continuing with the Miller Family. Ella had married James Rickey and by 1920, they had moved to Bellefontaine, Ohio. In the 1920’s, Johnson and Ida along with their other daughter, Lucy, had also moved to Bellefontaine. At the age of 33, Lucy married William Fenton who was born in 1886. He was from Winchester and his parents were Russell Fenton (1854-1932) and Nancy Anna Smith (1854-1927). Lucy moved back to Winchester where William was a farmer. They lived on Main Street in Winchester. After Johnson’s death in 1929, Ida moved back to Winchester and lived with her daughter Lucy until her death in 1931. Johnson and Ida are buried in the old part of the Winchester Cemetery. William Fenton died in 1960 and Lucy in 1972. They are buried in Section A of the Winchester Cemetery along with his parents Russell and Nancy.

Information is due by Sunday evening and can be sent by calling (937) 205-2309 (leave a message) or by email at