Shown here is the poster that was displayed at the PBIS showcase on Dec. 1 at Peebles Elementary.
Shown here is the poster that was displayed at the PBIS showcase on Dec. 1 at Peebles Elementary.

On Dec. 1, a Positive Behavior Interventions and Support (PBIS) showcase was held for schools in Ohio to discuss and display PBIS implementation. Peebles Elementary was excited to be selected and have an opportunity to represent at the showcase. PES was able to share PBIS success and activities with other schools across the state.
PBIS is an evidence-based approach that is used school-wide to decrease challenging behaviors by replacing them with pro-social skills. Due to the effectiveness of PBIS, this program is gaining increased popularity with schools. This framework uses a proactive approach of defining, teaching, and recognizing appropriate behaviors. These expectations are taught and reinforced in all areas of the school. The expectations for students at PES, in all areas of the school building, are to be respectful, responsible, and safe.
Peebles Elementary began implementing PBIS in 2014. Data has shown significant decreases in behavior referrals since the implementation began. There are many PBIS initiatives that take place at school for students, one of them being the General Store. All students at PES have opportunities to earn Behavior Bucks from teachers and staff members when school-wide expectations are displayed. Once students have received Behavior Bucks they are able to purchase items in the “General Store,” save their tickets to earn a pizza party, or enter into a bi-weekly drawing.
The students at PES work hard and enjoy all of these incentives. Around the building, there are visual reminders posted to remind students of the expected behaviors in all of the areas of school. Other PBIS initiatives include the after-school program, question of the day, the peer mentoring program, and individual teacher incentives.
Peebles Elementary will continue implementing and expanding PBIS  to improve student behavior, school safety and overall academic success.