Anna Shupert and Lauren Hoop of the East Tiffin Aggies 4-H Club presented a demonstration about safe handling of fresh meat, knives and cutting boards to prevent food borne illnesses at their February 4-H club meeting.

Anna is the Health and Safety officer for the club and Lauren is her assistant. Anna gave instructions as Lauren demonstrated using a loaf of bread soaked with red Kool Aid representing a whole chicken and its blood. After the “chicken” (bread) was cut into pieces there was “blood” (red Kool Aid) left on the knife and cutting board which could contain harmful bacteria.

The girls stressed that it is very important to thoroughly wash the knife and cutting board or use a different set of equipment before preparing other foods such as vegetables, salads or fruits.

At each meeting of the East Tiffin Aggies 4-H Club, in addition to the regular business and project information, the club has one health and safety demonstration and one environmental report. Additionally, each member is required to give one three to five minute speech in front of the club members to help them develop better communication skills. It is a great learning activity for the presenter as well as those in attendance.

Anna Shupert, (standing), gives instructions as Lauren Hoop demonstrates cutting meat on a cutting board and showing the blood that is left on the knife and cutting board which may contain harmful bacteria if not cleaned properly. Shupert, (standing), gives instructions as Lauren Hoop demonstrates cutting meat on a cutting board and showing the blood that is left on the knife and cutting board which may contain harmful bacteria if not cleaned properly. Submitted photo

Submitted by Alexis Phipps